Private individual
Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem
Family residence
The bird under the mountains.
The family house is for us socially important term. To have your own house or at least a small house is a sign of success and also a symbol of stability and continuity. However, as of now the family houses, whether tiny or enormously big, seem to be coming from only two options. The first one is frowned upon by most, but still beloved by the builders, so-called entrepreneurial Barocco, filled with poor taste, over the top details, and fake illusion- Those houses pretend to be something, they are not. The second option is more refined- new functionalism taken to the maximal simplicity of a bare box that except its good proportions has nothing else to offer. To have only these two options is a pity and unbelievable considering the fact that the architects and their builders cannot think of anything else.
And then we have exceptions. Exceptions- flop. And Exceptions- unexpected shiny solutions that will simply charm you.
The Bird that settled down in the Beskydy mountains, belongs to the second category. I admit that the judges of the competition Building of the year were a little bit offset by it at first. Should we take that seriously? The bulletproof honest individuality outshined everything that in the category of a family house could be found. However, the judges then decided to let The Bird go to the second round. This must be seen. Whether it is completely wrong or it will be very interesting.
Yet again the second option applies. The house was designed with gracious generosity, with the joy of the architect and the builder ( just with many hardships for the supplier). Placed between completely ordinary houses ( often from the entrepreneur category), The Bird creates a completely new environment, it pulls to itself a bit of forest and sculpts the terrain into little hills, just like a real bird, it nests. The shape of the house is dynamic but at the same time, something about it makes it feel very stable, it is not an unsettled house in movement, however, it is a living house that offers many various activities hidden in the general term “living in a house”. To live in a house is not just cooking, eating, sleeping, and watching TV, it is also relaxing, recharging your mind, just for fun staring into the flames in a fireplace, swimming in a swimming pool with an impression of a sea and all that with a view at the Ondějník mountain or the Stolové mountains. Also just daydreaming in the office on the top of the house with an almost panoramic view.
That is why the layout of the house is very logical, the base floor is filled with the living spaces, and through which you can enter the garden or submerge into the gym and swimming pool, this also includes added space for guests with its own entrance. The opened staircase climbs up through the middle of the space to another floor which contains two master bedrooms each with their enormous bathroom with an exquisite view of the neighboring nature. In the last narrowest part of the house is an office. The inside space is maximally opened which corresponds with the glass structure of the facade on the majority of the building. The glass, however, is covered at the top by the soft wings roof.
The construction is transparent just like everything else, the steel columns freely penetrating the space, to which are then connected wooden constructions on the outside. Everything you see is a joy from comfort and luxury that it unexpectedly pushed back in a very sophisticated manner. The luxury of the designer pieces well-paired almost as if it was natural and especially the bathrooms cheers up an eye and the soul.
Besides, the house is surrounded by the garden, which compared to the original surface of the land has been waived and bumped to fit the water body and make it a little bit more private and secluded. The garden also has plenty of space for, for instance, a tennis court or an individual building nearby with its club cellar and maintenance room.
That house is simply unique. It is a result of a harmony between the builder and the architect which are not weighted down by the conventional approach. They take pride in these truly imaginative details and their perfect finish. It is irreplaceable and could be never done again. Living in an entirely new manner. Even though the house is made custom for the owner.
Author of the text: doc. Ing. arch. Radomíra Sedláková, CSc.